Having Problem replacing the water filter ?

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Having problem replacing the water filter on your fridge? Can’t replace the water filter on your Samsung fridge? Your filter goes partially in and turns but turns completely round and round without locking in and pops out when you turn the water on? The filter should just fit into the filter housing the one way. Then you must push up and twist clockwise to lock in place. You should feel it lock in.

If you don’t, then obviously you see the filter will just come right out. If the filter will not stay in place, pull it out and make sure that all the caps to the filters are removed and that the locking end of the filter is not damaged in any way.

When you replace your filter, please make sure you bleed the line after removing the filter. This will release the tension and pressure in the line and tank. Then, turn the water supply off to the ref and then get a large pitcher and get water from the door of the ref and let it run for approximately five minutes. This will empty the tank and water lines in the ref and will lessen the pressure in the water filter.

Then, remove the water filter once you have checked that you have used all the water, have let out a little air and there is no more water comes out of the door. It should simply untwist out. Replace with new water filter by pushing the new filter into the housing but make sure to not line up the lock symbol on the water filter to the lock on the water filter housing. The lock symbol on the water filter should only match up to the water filter housing after it has been twisted into place.

It may not go fully back into place. So again, please be sure the lock on the filter is to the left of the lock on the filter housing, and then push up into the filter housing and twist clockwise to lock in place. If the filter locks in place, then turn the water supply back on to the ref and again bleed the line for about five minutes. This will force all the air out of the line and prevent the water from sputtering out of the dispenser.

Still will not fit in place? If the filter still doesn’t lock in place then unfortunately, you may have to call for service.

In this case, you may have a damaged filter. You should replace the filter immediately.

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