Many people like the idea of filtered water; however, they do not necessarily understand why filtered water is better than regular water. Indeed, many people actually seem to think that filtered water is an unnecessary luxury; in reality, filter water is so much better for our health than people might realise!
So, why is filtered water so much better for us than standard water from the tap? And how can you choose a water filtration system that will allow you to experience some of the many filtered water benefits?
Why Filter Water is the Number One Choice?
When it comes to drinking water, there are typically three different options available to us. These options are tap water, bottled water (sometimes branded as spring water), and filtered water.
For many people, these might seem like one in the same thing. Water is water—right?
Well, it is actually quite surprising to learn how wrong that statement is. In fact, this is a common misconception that many people have; water is not “just water”, and of the three listed above, tap water is by far the impurest version of water going.
But why is this? Why is tap water so different from filtered water and bottled water, and what makes filtered water the number one choice for drinking out of these three different options?

Tap Water vs Bottled Water vs Filtered Water: Which is Better?
Filtered water is the best type of water for us to drink by a long shot, but many people do not understand why this is. Indeed, many people don’t even know that filtered water is any better for them; for some, it is even a waste of time! This is so wrong, which is why it is so important for you to understand the benefits of drinking filtered water over tap water.
Now, don’t take this the wrong way; tap water isn’t going to make you sick. In fact, tap water is made to be quite the opposite. However, that is entirely the problem; tap water is too clean.
Have you ever found it strange how water can have different aftertastes in different areas? Some water is hard, while other water is classed as being soft. Some water can even have a slightly funny color—but it’s all tap water, so surely it’s not contaminated, right?
That isn’t actually true. Tap water is far from the pure water that you might get falling from the sky. In fact, tap water has been treated with a huge number of different chemicals—including chlorine—in order to kill any nasty bacteria and bugs that might be living in it. Chlorine, just so you know, is well known to be a carcinogenic substance.
Now, don’t get us wrong, there isn’t much chlorine in the water that you drink; we would all be dead if there was! So, sure, the tap water that you are drinking is safe in terms of the bacteria content—but it is also contaminated with trace levels of chemicals. And it is these chemicals that can make the water taste slightly odd from time to time, and which surely aren’t doing much good for your body either.
So, ruling out tap water as a good source of drinking water, we are left with two options: bottled water and filtered water.
Both of these are good alternatives for your health, but filtered water is still far superior; not only is it vastly cheaper than having to buy bottle after bottle, but less plastic waste and transportation requirements also makes filtered water superior for the environment too! Plastic bottles can also leach chemicals into the water over time, too, which could be just as bad as drinking contaminated tap water.
Best of all, when you buy an effective filtration unit and plan in advance, you won’t even have to worry about waiting for your filtered water either!
Clearly, choosing to drink filtered water is a no brainer for your health. But where can you get a good water filtration system for your property’s water, and how can you choose one that is right for you?
Unfiltered Water Filtered Water Free from bacteria and harmful pathogens Free from bacteria and harmful pathogens Contains beneficial minerals for health Contains beneficial minerals for health Contains chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride Free from chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, depending on filtration power Variable flavor Consistent flavor.
What to Look for in a Water Filtration System?
When choosing a water filtration system, there are a number of things that you should look out for. These include:
● Cost effective: at the end of the day, it isn’t worthwhile to spend huge amounts of money on a water filtration system. You should always choose a water filter, as such, that is within your budget and good value for money. As part of this, you should also look for a unit that will be cost-effective to run in the longer term as well.
● Aesthetic: let’s be honest; no one wants to pay out for a water filtration unit that will be incredibly ugly to look at, do they? There are a number of ways of getting around this problem.
● One such solution is to choose a refrigerator water filtration unit. These are great thanks to the fact that they keep the water refreshingly cool, as well as for the fact that they are discrete and won’t be an eyesore; in fact, they can be quite the feature piece for your kitchen! They are also multipurpose, too, meaning that you won’t be wasting a single bit of floor or worktop space when you choose a refrigerator with an inbuilt filtration system.
● Effective: at the end of the day, when you choose to invest in a water filter or water filter system, you want to know that the filter will be effective at removing all of the bad chemicals from the water. In addition, the filter that is being used should ideally leave behind the good minerals in the water as well. There’s no point investing in a filter if it will leave behind chemicals such as fluoride!
Refrigerator filter by Wildberries is one of the filters you can get with all these benefits. It is not only cost effective, aesthetic and great in performance but also certified by IAPMO.
There can be no doubting that filtered water is far better for our health than tap water. In addition to this, it also offers numerous benefits over bottled water as well—so why would you go back to drinking anything but the purest and freshest water going?
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